Artist and educator, Born in Chester, England, 1976. Settled in Oxford.
I have been developing the idea of a kitchen studio: a space in which to investigate the everyday, using materials, tools, and objects found in and around a domestic setting.
My work records the minutiae of daily life, and celebrates its complexities. Using a multimedia approach, I forensically examine actions and everyday ephemera whose use has been restricted by time. Unpicking everyday processes helps makes some sense of the threads of existence. Unexciting, yet revealing.
I am also interested in adopting the role of the professional instructor, as I am fascinated by the genre of the ‘How To’ manual. How to make, or build, or behave. I wonder how practical these guides are, given the limitations of being human.
Conversation is my goal. Part of my approach to making involves gathering anecdotes, and recording the personal stories that encircle mundane actions and objects. In the gallery, I hope that my work provides another opportunity for conversation, by giving the everyday a platform that can resonate with audiences, and spark further enquiry from within.